
No booking fee if you enrol before November 2024

Terms & conditions

By signing the Application Form, you confirm that you have read and understood these terms and conditions and agree to comply with them.
Last updated 11th January 2023.

Information sharing

As a nursery if we have any concerns about your child, we have an obligation to contact Social Services and also Advice and Assessment, this could also include health visitors and any outside agencies that we feel will help with the development of your child. All forms completed are legal documents and require both parents and nursery signatures (if necessary). If parent/carer refuses to sign any forms (e.g accidents, existing injuries), Advice and Assessment could be informed.

Admissions Policy

Enrolment forms must be completed and returned before a child can be considered for entry to the nursery. In order to provide sufficient continuity, the minimum number of sessions available for part-time is 4 sessions per week. If you change your child’s sessions a new form MUST be completed.

Force Majeure

In cases of disruption to service Pixieland will do everything in its power to operate the service where it is safe to do so. However, severe disruptions may require the closure of the nursery or reduction in service. In such cases fees remain payable during any period of closure. Examples of force majeure include but are not limited to extreme weather (including snow and ice), other acts of God or third parties outside of the nursery’s control including disruptions to highways, public transport, utilities and industrial action, this list is not exhaustive.


Sickness days are to be paid in full (long term illnesses will be considered individually) early starts and extras will also need to be paid in full if your child does not attend.  Please call the nursery by 9am if your child will be absent due to illness, so we can inform other parents if it’s a contagious illness.


Pixieland will only be closed during the Christmas week and on bank holidays. No charge is made when the nursery is closed for these days. All other days are to be paid in full – this includes holidays, sickness.

Extra sessions

All extra sessions must be paid for at the time of booking.

Late collection

If you are late collecting your child after the session time has ended, you will be charged a late collection fee.

Payment of fees

Fees are required monthly in advance. Payment must be paid by BACS, these must have your Childs name as a reference. We also accept Tax free childcare and Salary Sacrifice Vouchers. Pixieland request payment of 6 weeks upfront (4 weeks will be for your first 4 weeks fees and 2 weeks fees will be held as a deposit and will come off your final invoice).

Increase in fees

Pixieland reserve the right to review fees. You will be given at least 4 weeks notice of changes.

Outstanding fees

In the event of fees or other sums being payable to Pixieland being outstanding after the payment due date, without prior arrangements being made, you will receive notice to withdraw your child immediately. You will still be charged your 4 weeks notice* from the nursery. Interest will be charged at £40.00 for payments over 2 weeks late.

Recovery of legal costs

Should Pixieland incur legal costs and expenses in the process of recovering outstanding fees, the fee payer shall indemnify Pixieland for any such legal cost and expenses incurred.


The nursery manager must be given at least 4 weeks written notice* if a parent wishes to withdraw their child from the nursery. *NB notice needs to include a period to use the deposit paid, if you give notice which does not cover the use of the deposit further notice will be required to use up credit. 4 weeks notice is required if a parent wishes to increase or reduce their sessions. All sessions changes must be in place for a minimum of 8 weeks. If no notice or insufficient notice is given you will be charged the full four weeks. You must fully complete a new enrolment form when your child changes their sessions.

Term time only

Government funded children. Early years funded children and me2 funding. If your child claims early years grant, you are able to purchase lunch or tea, however you are welcome to provide a packed lunch for these sessions. Should your child become eligible for funding during your time at Pixieland. Pixieland will not automatically move your child on to a term time funded only contract. The only way to change your sessions to a term time funded only contract is to give notice. Please note we only have a limited amount of funded only sessions so this change is subject to availability.